Vijest da su navijači Crvene Zvezde iz Nevesinja napravili grb voljenom klubu na planini Velež prenijeli su gotovo svi mediji u regionu.

grb crvene zvezde u nevesinju

Ovaj poduhvat nevesinjskih Delija privukao je i pažnju novinara CNN-a koji su i sami bili iznenađeni na koji način navijači iskazuju pažnju prema bivšem evropskom prvaku.

Some 50 Herzegovian fans of the Serbian Red Star football club spent a year clearing a densely wooded mountain overlooking Nevesinje in eastern Herzegovina to create [sr] an enormous Red Star club logo on the mountain of Velež, visible from kilometers away.

What is most remarkable about this feat is that the club logo is now larger than Red Star stadium, named Marakana after Brazil's famed Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro, and about to be nominated for the Guinness World Book of Records as the largest edition of a club logo in history.

Among the 50 fans are geodetic and similar professionals who spent the larger portion of the complex year-long project measuring the terrain and mapping out the project to perfection. A video posted in August 2012 shows the leaders of the project on Velež mountain, mapping the terrain and explaining how the project would be executed:

In the last days of July 2013, the project was finally fully realized and an enormous Red Star emblem now impressively looms over the town of Nevesinje.

The history behind the star in the center of the emblem is no less interesting and explains how the idea emerged. The star, a symbol of the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia that Bosnia-Herzegovina was a part of until the early 1990′s, was carved out by removing trees from Velež mountain several decades ago. With the demise of Yugoslavia, the star was left to disappear in the wilderness of the woodlands. Still somewhat visible, it presented somewhat of a reminder of turbulent times and a disfigurement of the cities mountainous surroundings. The leaders of the project then came upon the idea to turn the old symbol of cultural divide into a new symbol of sporting friendship.

(Oko 50 navijača Crvene Zvezde iz Hercegovine provelo je godinu dana na uređenju gusto pošumljene planine iznad Nevesinja da napravi ogroman grb Crvene Zvezde vidljiv kilometrima daleko. Najznačajnije za ovaj poduhvat je da je grb kluba sada veći od stadiona Zvezde nazvanog Marakana po čuvenom brazilskom stadionu u Rio de Ženeiru, a uskoro će biti nominovan za Ginisovu knjigu rekorda kao najveći grb nekog kluba u istoriji. Među 50 navijača su geodestski profesionalci koji su obavili mjerenje i mapiranje terena i tako doveli projekat do savršenstva...)